The quantification of the kinetic momentum of electrons, neutrinos, protons and neutrons
with the $\hbar/2$ value is consequence of the extended relativistic invariance of the
wave of fundamental particles with spin $1/2$. The reasons of this logical link use only
properties of the waves, which are functions of space-time with value into the multiplicative
Lie groups $Cl_3^*$ and $\mathrm{End}(Cl_3)$. Space-time is a manifold included into the
auto-adjoint part of $Cl_3^*$. The Lagrangian densities are the Cliffordian real parts of the
wave equations. The equivalence between invariant wave equation and Dirac form of the wave
equation has the form of Lagrange's equations. The momentum-energy tensor linked by the
Noether's theorem to the invariance under space-time translations has components which
are directly linked to the electromagnetic tensor. The invariance under $Cl_3^*$ of the
kinetic momentum tensor gives eight vectors. One of these vectors has a space-time length
with value $\hbar/2$. This satisfies many aspects of the standard model of quantum physics
and of the relativistic theory of gravitation.