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When someone wants to classify any type of rock, he needs experience in the field of rock, earth sciences , place, and he needs a lot of time and effort, but in this project, we are working to creating application on computer to rock recognition by classify the images of rocks into three main types (Magmatite, Metamorphite, Sedimentite) by depending on features of texture as a first step then we try to get more feature from color, grain size and grains distribution size. \\[2ex]
After editing the rocks images (database), we used a computer vision algorithm to obtain image features by using Fourier transform, Steerable Riesz wavelet and Energy then we can represent each image in the database as a number, and then we used it in machine learning algorithms to classify these features of rocks to create the model that helps us to categorize any new image of rocks. \\[2ex]
The accuracy of this algorithm up to now is 90\%, we only depend on the texture property, and we are trying to increase the accuracy by adding more features like color, grain size and grain distribution size.