In this paper, we consider Krylov subspace methods based quaternion tensor form for a
class of generalized Sylvester quaternion tensor equation. A novel quaternion tensor product and a
global quaternion Arnoldi process based on the tensor form are proposed. Then, the quaternion tensor
Krylov subspaces and their orthogonal bases are constructed via the proposed global quaternion
Arnoldi process. The quaternion full orthogonalization method based on tensor format (denoted by
QFOM−BTF) and the quaternion generalized minimal residual method based on tensor format (denoted
by QGMRES−BTF) are established to solve the quaternion tensor equation. The theoretically
analyze results of the proposals are discussed on the quaternion tensor form. Finally, we demonstrate
the feasibility of QFOM−BTF and QGMRES−BTF methods on some numerical examples including
the color video denoising.