In this paper, we tackle the following problem: compute the gcd for \emph{%
several} univariate polynomials with \emph{parametric} coefficients. It
amounts to partitioning the parameter space into ``cells'' so that the gcd
has a uniform expression over each cell and constructing a uniform
expression of gcd in each cell. We tackle the problem as follows. We begin
by making a natural and obvious extension of subresultant polynomials of two
polynomials to several polynomials. Then we develop the following structural
theories about them.
\item We generalize Sylvester's theory to several polynomials, in order to
obtain an elegant relationship between generalized subresultant polynomials
and the gcd of several polynomials, yielding an elegant algorithm.
\item We generalize Habicht's theory to several polynomials, in order to
obtain a systematic relationship between generalized subresultant
polynomials and pseudo-remainders, yielding an efficient algorithm.
\noindent Using the generalized theories, we present a simple (structurally
elegant) algorithm which is significantly more efficient (both in the output
size and computing time) than algorithms based on previous approaches.