$q$-Hypergeometric terms are a $q$-analogue of hypergeometric terms. They are important for proving combinatorial
identities in $q$-analysis. A basic problem concerning $q$-hypergeometric terms is to decide whether a given
$q$-hypergeometric term~$T(y)$ is $q$-summable. This can be done by a $q$-analogue of Gosper's algorithm in~\cite{Koornwinder1993}.
In this talk, we present a $q$-analogue of the modified Abramov-Petkov\v{s}ek reduction in~\cite{CHKL2015}.
The analogue splits~$T(y)$ into the sum of two terms, in which the first term is $q$-summable, and the second
is not unless it is zero. Although the modified Abramov-Petkov\v{s}ek reduction and our algorithm go along the same lines,
they differ from subtle details. For example, Laurent polynomials play a role in the $q$-case, which complicates
the step for polynomial reduction.